Questions about Altman and Brockman’s new startup
Questions about Altman and Brockman’s new startup

Questions about Altman and Brockman’s new startup

Before founding OpenAI Sam Altman was the CEO of Y Combinator, a company that helps startups start and grow. There's probably no one on the planet who understands AI startups better than Sam.

I'm expecting Sam and Greg to launch a new startup, perhaps before the new year. Here are some questions that come to mind about it.

Who will give them the billions of dollars they will need to compete with OpenAI and Google?

Sam is well known for moving fast. How much faster will he be able to move within a new startup, and what will he now be able to do that he couldn't do at OpenAI?

Who will Sam and Greg tap to assume the role that Ilya Sutskever plays at OpenAI as chief researcher?

I doubt that Sam and Greg are eager to launch another non-profit that could again vote them out of the company. How will they now go about their primary goal of democratizing AI within a for-profit company?

How many more top people will leave OpenAI, and join Sam and Greg's new company?

Altman already succeeded beyond anyone's wildest imagination by launching the AI revolution led by OpenAI. In a way it's a blessing that he no longer has to work on a project that has already been masterfully done. Do you think he has the next steps in this revolution already planned out in his head, and ready to go with his new company?

submitted by /u/Georgeo57
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