Predictions for the near future.
Predictions for the near future.

Predictions for the near future.

Have been working with TensorFlow since the year it was made available, following progression that got us to LLMs, going back to the "Attention Is All You Need" paper... What a ride. Here are a handful of fun predictions, some based on knowledge shared with me internally as to active proof of concepts, some speculative.

Entertainment and the future of popular music

The music industry missed the boat on streaming and has to share huge profits with Spotify, Apple Music, etc.. for stream distribution. But they will unite behind a new streaming service that enables content creators the ability to use AI generated vocals, instrumental parts, etc.. to create custom mashups and even new tracks using the likeness of artist. Record labels have been buying up artist catalogs, recently KISS and Queen were sold and in these contracts the right to use their "likeness" included, enabling future derived AI works to be owned by the labels.... The vision here is a new platform combining the addictive nature of TikTok with on-demand streaming of Spotify, where "creators" use the AI and IP resources of the record label to make AI generated works popular, at first focused on using assets from established artist from the past and present, but eventually fostering creators who contribute the vocals, instrument parts, etc.. to be fed into the model for entirely new possibilities.

Live performance
Studio plug-ins like Auto-Tune will be taken to the next level for both studio use and live applications. Want to sound like Frank Sinatra? There will be a plug-in for that.


Future employment contracts will come with a clause giving employers the right to create AI agents of your likeness, which employees will be required to sign-over the rights to and allow their employer to use these agents indefinitely. The employer will also retain the right to train this AI bot that can be used as substitute for you, on all work related communications. "Training days" will become common where corporations will have employees play a part in knowledge dumps, providing answers to questions to aid in the training of their bot likeness. Nights and weekends your bot can be used in place of you for some scenarios and even once employment has been terminated.

This is a coming battle between workers and employers, a fight over the fair use of their likeness and expect substantial abuse and legal drama before it resolves.

Every day consumer use

AI agents working for you to save you time is the holy grail big tech is after. The problem is, to achieve that big tech needs your personal behavioral data to fine tune these models into behaving as you would. Considering about 70% of on-line behavior a model would mimic occurs on Smartphones, the key players here in position to build these sort of agents are Google and Apple. Microsoft's huge investment in OpenAI was wise, but it's a rather small cohort using Windows PCs for all the things an agent would need to be built on, even in those cases, Microsoft has to get consent to collect that data. Apple doesn't have their own LLM, so I would say Google is probably best positioned to innovate in this area and create something like the Rabbit R1, but real and just embedded into Android, Chrome, etc..

I think this will manifest in the device being able to recognize common patterns and trigger actions. Sort of like today when we get in our car and our phone tells us how far away we are from its best guess on where we're going, it will be able to respond to much more sensory, text messages, social post, e-mails, phone calls, etc.. and just act to save us time.

Saving time is the point of most technology as "time is money", so the use cases around that aren't hard to predict. Without keeping this too long, those are three things I think we'll see in the next 3-6 years.

What are your predictions?

submitted by /u/rmz76
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