Plans to use Facebook and Instagram posts to train AI criticised
Plans to use Facebook and Instagram posts to train AI criticised

Plans to use Facebook and Instagram posts to train AI criticised

  • Meta plans to use public posts and images from Facebook and Instagram to train AI, drawing criticism from digital rights groups.

  • Noyb, a European campaign group, has filed complaints with 11 data protection authorities in Europe against Meta's use of user data for AI.

  • Meta's notification to UK and European users about using their data for AI has been deemed 'highly awkward' and criticized for making users opt-out instead of opt-in.

  • The company claims its approach is legally compliant and similar to its rivals, but critics argue that users should be asked to consent and opt-in instead.

  • The Irish Data Protection Commission is investigating the matter following a complaint from Noyb.


submitted by /u/NuseAI
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