Pi- my thoughts
Pi- my thoughts

Pi- my thoughts


new on this community- wanted to share my thoughts and experience with Pi.

Stumbled upon it, did some research, the company behind it seems to have some pretty heavy hitters and I like the specific part of only using de-identified information (although you never know).

I tried using Pi as a touchboard. Something I could use to reflect on things, perhaps give me new perspectives, reframe my thinking. It follows a form of therapy called acceptance and commitment therapy although I have found it to also bring in other approaches.

I was pleasantly surprised by it. It was helpful in helping me look at things from a different perspective, reframing things, giving me fresh ideas that I had not considered. I asked it to tone down the saccharine tone and get a little more real and in your face and it did (to a point).

I also opened an account with a firefox relay email (didn't want to get my main account banned).

I then tried to break Pi- pushing its limits. Trying to get it to go off the rails with me. Every time it either steered the conversation back to sanity or set some firm limits. Suicidal stuff was responded to quite appropriately.

I don't think this is a replacement for a therapist. I do think it can be a helpful tool though, as long as one can realize the limitations at the moment. I say at the moment because I think things are going to change faster than you can possibly imagine (for better or worse)- it's an exciting time (in a good and a bad way).

Anyway, just my musings.

submitted by /u/docben1383
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