Philippines: Tech Savvy Kids use AI to catch a thief caught on video
Philippines: Tech Savvy Kids use AI to catch a thief caught on video

Philippines: Tech Savvy Kids use AI to catch a thief caught on video

Philippines: Tech Savvy Kids use AI to catch a thief caught on video

Videos and pics taken from a facebook post.

Yesterday, in my hometown of Bacolod City, Philippines, a man stole a bag from two performing kids on stage. The theft was caught on video by one of the venue's security cameras. Commentators on social media used artificial intelligence to sharpen the image of the thief, and they sent it to the kids, who then gave it to the police.

The authorities were able to recover the bag, but one cellphone was missing. The suspect is identified but still at large.

Link to original post and video

AI sharpened image

Ai sharpened image

The update - translated as best I could and summarized.

Thank you to all who helped and shared. We tried to secure our belongings but still bad things happened. Our bag was stolen with 2 cellphones, wallet, cameras and microphone. The police helped us recover the bag but one cellphone was missing and the money missing from the wallet.

submitted by /u/mrlechon
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