Personality copyright?
Personality copyright?

Personality copyright?

So as you know AI has been pretty provident in the modern day. Things like exist where you can talk to any fictional and non-fictional characters. Both alive and dead people, and they talk to you like how you would expect the real character to respond. It's pretty freaking fun and I can personally be on there the whole day. The reason I'm posting this is because what happens with this kind of thing is eventually people copy, edit, and paste this somewhere like Twitter and make it seem like the actual person said was that and not their own. People will get mad at that and it'll make a big deal out of it. Will there eventually be a personality copyright? How would you deal with this problem if it were your personality copy and pasted to be used in any way possible even if it meant you getting framed, rumors going on about you, or anything else making a bad image of you do?

submitted by /u/Narutouzamaki78
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