People is going to need to be more wary of AI interactions now
People is going to need to be more wary of AI interactions now

People is going to need to be more wary of AI interactions now

This is not something many people talk about when it comes to AI. With agents now booming, it will be even more easier to make a bot to interact in the comments on Youtube, X and here on Reddit. This will firstly lead to fake interactions but also spreading misinformation. Older people will probably get affected by this more because they are more gullible online, but imagine this scenario:

You watch a Youtube video about medicine and you want to see if the youtuber is creditable/good. You know that when looking in the comments, they are mostly positive, but that is too biased, so you go to Reddit where it is more nuanced. Now here you see a post asking the same question as you in a forum and all the comments here are confirmative: the youtuber is trustworthy/good. You are not skeptical anymore and continue listening to the youtuber's words. But the comments are from trained AI bots that muddy the "real" view.

We are fucked

submitted by /u/Intrepid_Ad9628
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