Patterns are everywhere, AI executes on patterns, AI is everywhere
Patterns are everywhere, AI executes on patterns, AI is everywhere

Patterns are everywhere, AI executes on patterns, AI is everywhere

Patterns exist everywhere, and most people engage in behavioral patterns whether they are a fortune 500 CEO, an all-star athlete, a software engineer, designer, or a deep sea fisher. AI is able to recognize patterns and perform patterns based on what it has learned.

My theory is that if AI is able to learn and execute on patterns, and patterns are everywhere, then AI can practically do anything or be anything depending on how it is designed. I don't think the case is so much that any particular industry or job will be replaced by AI. It's that, over time, AI could replace anything because it is capable of ML. Is this theory valid? What are the limitations?

So what does the future look like then 30 years down the road when it is more powerful and more adopted, and we have robots making our lunch? When AI is everywhere? What are the jobs that still exist? How do people make a living?

submitted by /u/iamadsgnr
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