Paid AI to train on company docs?
Paid AI to train on company docs?

Paid AI to train on company docs?

Is there a paid service where one can simply upload their company docs, let's say leave policy. The AI gets trained on that and then there is a chatbot which can answer questions about that doc?

I know about veector of words, intent, training, data sets and all. However, I have been specifically asked to find out if there is a paid service which does this. So, the user will upload documents only, they are not going to provide a data set of questions and answers, or intent or anything, just magically the AI will learn and respond to queries.

Please give me a logic that can destroy the person making this demand if this is not possible at all (I think so) Technical details will help me a ton. I am literate in that regard. Feel free to go to any depth, even the bag of words maths.

submitted by /u/Assholefrmcoinexchan
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