Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

Machine Learning & SEO: Where Are We Now? – Machine Learning Times – machine learning & data science news – The Predictive Analytics Times

Machine Learning & SEO: Where Are We Now? – Machine Learning Times – machine learning & data science news  The Predictive Analytics Times

Quick catchup on Libra, Facebook’s crypto, since its big announcement

Libra –  A blockchain technology-based digital currency under formal concent, staged by the American social media company Facebook. This is yet to come into life and yet at a very basic level. Some experimental code has been released though. The launch is planned to be in 2020.   June 18, 2019 […]


The post Quick catchup on Libra, Facebook’s crypto, since its big announcement appeared first on Vinod Sharma’s Blog.

Machine learning has revealed exactly how much of a Shakespeare play was written by someone else – MIT Technology Review

Machine learning has revealed exactly how much of a Shakespeare play was written by someone else  MIT Technology Review

ChristianaCare earns national award for improving population health through machine learning – Hockessin Community news

ChristianaCare earns national award for improving population health through machine learning  Hockessin Community news

Google’s Explainable AI service sheds more light on how machine learning models make decisions – SiliconANGLE News

Google’s Explainable AI service sheds more light on how machine learning models make decisions  SiliconANGLE News