Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

JJaayy vvaann ZZyyll @@ eeccoossyysstteemm..AAii

Global Leaders Warn A.I. Could Cause ‘Catastrophic’ Harm – The New York Times

Global Leaders Warn A.I. Could Cause ‘Catastrophic’ Harm  The New York TimesUK, US, EU and China sign declaration of AI’s ‘catastrophic’ danger  The GuardianNations pledge to work together to contain ‘catastrophic’ risks of artifici…

Rigetti Computing Awarded Innovate UK Grant to Enhance Quantum Machine Learning Methods for Anti-Money Laundering Detection – Yahoo Finance

Rigetti Computing Awarded Innovate UK Grant to Enhance Quantum Machine Learning Methods for Anti-Money Laundering Detection  Yahoo Finance

UK, US, EU and China sign declaration of AI’s ‘catastrophic’ danger – The Guardian

UK, US, EU and China sign declaration of AI’s ‘catastrophic’ danger  The GuardianAI Summit: Why new global pact on tackling Artificial Intelligence risks is a big deal  The Indian Express