Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

JJaayy vvaann ZZyyll @@ eeccoossyysstteemm..AAii

Before the impending flood of GPT AI’s and directories in the coming weeks, things will likely get a bit oversaturated and confusing. Here’s my own directory for bookmarking.

Hello Reddit Community and Fellow Enthusiasts of AI, I'm Shane Lindemoen, award-winning author and half-cooked data scientist (never finished school!), and I'm pretty stressed out sharing something I've been working hard to complete: a coll…

AI doesn’t cause harm by itself. We should worry about the people who control it

The recent turmoil at OpenAI reflects the contradictions in the tech industry and the fear that AI may be an existential threat. OpenAI was founded as a non-profit to develop artificial general intelligence (AGI), but later set up a for-profit subsidi…