Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Deep Learning for Identifying Metastatic Breast Cancer (Dayong Wang et al., 2017)Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is revolutionizing the healthcare industry. Here’s what you need to know.Machine Learning is a growing and diverse field of Ar…

Exploring the mysteries of Go with AlphaGo and China’s top players

Just over a year ago, we saw a major milestone in the field of artificial intelligence: DeepMinds AlphaGo took on and defeated one of the worlds top Go players, the legendary Lee Sedol. Even then, we had no idea how this moment would affect the 3,000 y…

Open sourcing Sonnet – a new library for constructing neural networks

Its now nearly a year since DeepMind made the decision to switch the entire research organisation to using TensorFlow (TF). Its proven to be a good choice – many of our models learn significantly faster, and the built-in features for distributed traini…