Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

The Information Commissioner, the Royal Free, and what we’ve learned

Today, dozens of people in UK hospitals will die preventably from conditions like sepsis and acute kidney injury (AKI) when their warning signs aren’t picked up and acted on in time. To help address this, we built the Streams app with clinicians at the…

Faster Physics in Python

We’re open-sourcing a high-performance Python library for robotic simulation using the MuJoCo engine, developed over our past year of robotics research.

This library is one of our core tools for deep learning robotics research, which we’ve now released as a major version of mujoco-py, our Python

Faster Physics in Python

We’re open-sourcing a high-performance Python library for robotic simulation using the MuJoCo engine, developed over our past year of robotics research.

This library is one of our core tools for deep learning robotics research, which we’ve now released as a major version of mujoco-py, our Python