Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

Most Americans See Artificial Intelligence as a Threat to Jobs (Just Not Theirs) – New York Times

New York TimesMost Americans See Artificial Intelligence as a Threat to Jobs (Just Not Theirs)New York TimesThe report that was released on Tuesday reflects only some of the findings of a large survey of nearly 3,300 American adults conducted in Septem…

Teaching computers to guide science: Machine learning method sees forests and trees – Science Daily

Newswise (press release)

Teaching computers to guide science: Machine learning method sees forests and trees
Science Daily
The paper is the culmination of three years of work that the authors believe will transform the way science is done. “With our method we can gain radically richer information than we’ve ever been able to gain from a learning machine,” Brown said. The
Teaching Computers to Guide Science: New Machine Learning Method Sees the Forests and the TreesNewswise (press release)

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Nvidia Seen Fending Off Rival Artificial-Intelligence Chips – Investor’s Business Daily

Nvidia Seen Fending Off Rival Artificial-Intelligence ChipsInvestor’s Business DailyGraphics chip maker Nvidia (NVDA) is well-positioned to fight off emerging competitors in the market for chips for artificial-intelligence applications, a Wall Street a…

Google partnered with the US military on machine learning to analyze drone footage – 9to5Google


Google partnered with the US military on machine learning to analyze drone footage
Gizmodo this morning reported on a Google partnership last year with the U.S. Department of Defense to improve the latter organization’s adoption of machine learning. The DoD’s Project Maven is tasked with identifying objects in drone footage. Google
Google helps Pentagon analyze military drone footage—employees “outraged”Ars Technica
Google Is Quietly Providing AI Technology for Drone Strike Targeting ProjectThe Intercept
Pentagon Drone Program Is Using Google AIBloomberg
MIT Technology Review
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Analysis. Artificial Intelligence is ‘eating the world’ – Business Review

Business Review

Analysis. Artificial Intelligence is ‘eating the world’
Business Review
Some 64 percent of Romanians aged 16-74 had used the internet in the past three months, while the EU average stood at 84 percent, according to a survey carried out in 2017 by Eurostat, the statistics office of the EU. “Software is eating the world, but

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Executive Interview: Driving AI Innovation: New Services, Investment and Societal Good are Goals of XPRIZE Competition

“The question that everyone needs to ask themselves is, while we are building new innovative approaches with AI, how could we also think about bringing value to society?” – Amir Banifatemi Amir Banifatemi is the Prize Lead of the IBM Watson AI XPRIZE. Amir has more than 25 years of experience in development and growth […]

Maneuverability for AI Self-Driving Cars

By. Dr. Lance Eliot, the AI Trends Insider Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. You might remember or have heard this famous quote which was uttered by Muhammad Ali in 1964. He was referring to his boxing prowess at the time. He was young (age 22) and a boxer that delighted in being […]

Five Steps For Re-tooling Your Organization With Machine Learning Technologies – Forbes

ForbesFive Steps For Re-tooling Your Organization With Machine Learning TechnologiesForbesThat is a lesson many CIOs around the world are learning about their plans to implement machine learning technologies that are able to analyze and improve perform…

People Architecture and Agile Compensation May Save HR in AI Era

The warning stirs distant memories of the recessionary year 2008 and the Dotcom bust a few years earlier. So many companies, from startups to one-time Blue Chips, laid off thousands of workers or simply disappeared through bankruptcy or acquisition. Their IT teams, entrenched in dated technologies, went from unemployed to unemployable. These weren’t layoffs of […]