Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

Here Are the 3 Key Components of Artificial Intelligence Readiness

Artificial intelligence is the technology story of the hour, and everyone wants to dive in. However, three recent studies suggest there’s more work to be done before AI starts delivering business value. A report from McKinsey suggests many organizations require a solid infrastructure underneath it all — it takes digital to go more digital. Data is also […]

Learn AI/ML/Deep Learning with new iOS/Android App!

Hey everyone! First a bit about me: I did my undergrad and master’s in Stanford’s AI program.

I know firsthand that learning AI is challenging, but it doesn’t have to be! I’ve released an iOS/Android app that is a full-fledged curriculum for learning the basics of AI/ML/Deep Learning in a no-experience necessary, accessible way.

For a limited time, the app is available with a special 66% off discount! Check it out on iOS and Android.

submitted by /u/MusingEtMachina
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A Strong Digital Base is Critical for Success with AI

By Jacques Bughin and Nicolas van Zeebroeck of McKinsey The diffusion of a new technology, whether ATMs in banking or radio-frequency identification tags in retailing, typically traces an S-curve. Early on, a few power users bet heavily on the innovation. Then, over time, as more companies rush to embrace the technology and capture the potential gains, the market […]

Industrial Internet Consortium Creates Vision on AI for Industrial IoT

The Industrial Internet Consortium® (IIC™), which works to accelerate the adoption of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), has announced it is leading the vision for industrial artificial intelligence (AI) with new bodies of work and will be sharing insights at the IoT Solutions World Congress (IOTSWC). Building on the successful Industrial IoT Analytics Framework Technical Report (IIAF), which […]

Scientists Trained AI to Write Poetry; Now It’s Toe-to-Toe With Shakespeare

If science fiction has taught us anything it’s that artificial intelligence will one day lead to the downfall of the entirety of mankind. That day is (probably) still a long way away, if it ever actually happens, but for now we get to enjoy some of the nicer aspects of AI, such as its ability […]

Google gives $1 million to help more young blacks, Latinos and … – USA TODAY


5 ways machine learning makes life harder for cybersecurity pros – TechRepublic

TechRepublic5 ways machine learning makes life harder for cybersecurity prosTechRepublicAnd the incorporation of AI into business will only rise: The number of medium and large enterprises using machine learning is predicted to double by the end of 201…