Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

Machine learning predicts conduct disorder in kids: Highly accurate model uses factors across biopsychosocial domains – Science Daily

Machine learning predicts conduct disorder in kids: Highly accurate model uses factors across biopsychosocial domains  Science Daily

Machine learning for medical imaging: methodological failures and recommendations for the future | npj Digital Medicine – Nature.com

Machine learning for medical imaging: methodological failures and recommendations for the future | npj Digital Medicine  Nature.com

An empirical analysis of compute-optimal large language model training

We ask the question: “What is the optimal model size and number of training tokens for a given compute budget?” To answer this question, we train models of various sizes and with various numbers of tokens, and estimate this trade-off empirically. Our m…

An empirical analysis of compute-optimal large language model training

We ask the question: “What is the optimal model size and number of training tokens for a given compute budget?” To answer this question, we train models of various sizes and with various numbers of tokens, and estimate this trade-off empirically. Our m…

Deep Learning Software Market is ready for its next Big Move | Microsoft, Google, IBM, Amazon Web Services – Bloomingprairieonline – Bloomingprairieonline

Deep Learning Software Market is ready for its next Big Move | Microsoft, Google, IBM, Amazon Web Services – Bloomingprairieonline  Bloomingprairieonline