Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

Identifying private pumping wells in a land subsidence area in Taiwan using deep learning technology and street view … – ScienceDirect

Identifying private pumping wells in a land subsidence area in Taiwan using deep learning technology and street view …  ScienceDirect

Finding the right AI tool: Is my use case possible/can AI help me do this?

I love the idea of AI† as a productivity tool, and have just started to think about how it might help streamline some of my tasks, assisting with what might otherwise be quite laborious/lengthy activities. I have the below task I need to get done, and …

The Enormous Dangers of Military Artificial Intelligence Reveal the Need for International Regulation – GlobalSolutions.org

The Enormous Dangers of Military Artificial Intelligence Reveal the Need for International Regulation  GlobalSolutions.org