Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

JJaayy vvaann ZZyyll @@ eeccoossyysstteemm..AAii

Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning into medical studies in the offing, says NBEMS Vice-President – The Hindu

Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning into medical studies in the offing, says NBEMS Vice-President  The Hindu

AI in human–computer gaming: Techniques, challenges and opportunities

The breakthrough of AlphaGo has led to a big explosion in human-computer gaming AI. Various AI systems have been developed, such as Libratus, OpenAI Five, and AlphaStar, which have beaten professional human players. This paper surveys recent successfu…

Disney And Apple Shareholders Will Get The Chance To Vote On AI Proposals After SEC Rebuffs Company Efforts To Table The Issue – Deadline

Disney And Apple Shareholders Will Get The Chance To Vote On AI Proposals After SEC Rebuffs Company Efforts To Table The Issue  Deadline

Disney And Apple Shareholders Will Get The Chance To Vote On AI Proposals After SEC Rebuffs Company Efforts To … – Deadline

Disney And Apple Shareholders Will Get The Chance To Vote On AI Proposals After SEC Rebuffs Company Efforts To …  Deadline