Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

What are the current technological solutions to replacing clothes and accessories from existing images with product shots?

I am currently exploring suitable image editing or Al based solutions where I can take stock images and replace the clothes or accessories with my own product images. Where I would have multiple images of the product ( shoes, bags, tops, watches etc) i…

Meet DeepAIR: A Deep Learning Framework Integrating Sequence and 3D Structure for Advanced Adaptive Immune Receptor Analysis – MarkTechPost

Meet DeepAIR: A Deep Learning Framework Integrating Sequence and 3D Structure for Advanced Adaptive Immune Receptor Analysis  MarkTechPost

Those of you that don’t think AGI and ASI is right there on the horizon – why do you feel this way?

The popular opinion in many AI circles is that AGI is right on the corner. Expected either later this year or by 2027, and then ASI shortly after. Basically, the "machine god" should be awakened by 2030. But there are those who disagree. And…

Generative artificial intelligence models effectively highlight social determinants of health in doctors’ notes – EurekAlert

Generative artificial intelligence models effectively highlight social determinants of health in doctors’ notes  EurekAlert