Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

Google Settles Potential $1.6B Lawsuit Over AI Chip Patent – Google Settles Potential $1.6B Lawsuit Over AI Chip Patent – InformationWeek

Google Settles Potential $1.6B Lawsuit Over AI Chip Patent – Google Settles Potential $1.6B Lawsuit Over AI Chip Patent  InformationWeek

Prediction of atmospheric PM2.5 level by machine learning techniques in Isfahan, Iran | Scientific Reports – Nature.com

Prediction of atmospheric PM2.5 level by machine learning techniques in Isfahan, Iran | Scientific Reports  Nature.com

How can you see AI influencing your regular everyday life/job in the future?

By which I mean what specific AI projects can you see expanding to such a degree that they’ll become indispensable to everyday things (i.e. hobbies, specific jobs, travel, learning, etc.), essentially anything you do often or regularly enough that AI c…