Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

I created an intelligent stock screener that can filter by 130+ industries and 40+ fundamental indicators

The folks over at the r/ArtificialInteligence subreddit really liked this, so I thought to share it here too! Last week,I wrote a technical article about a new concept: an intelligent AI-Powered screener. The feature is simple. Instead of using C…

Missouri appeals court fines litigant after finding fake, AI-generated cases cited in filings • Missouri Independent – Missouri Independent

Missouri appeals court fines litigant after finding fake, AI-generated cases cited in filings • Missouri Independent  Missouri Independent

Journal Club: How to organise a datathon for bridging between data science and healthcare? Insights from the … – Digital Health

Journal Club: How to organise a datathon for bridging between data science and healthcare? Insights from the …  Digital Health