Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

President Biden’s AI executive order has ‘dangerous limitations,’ says deepfake detection company CEO – Fox Business

President Biden’s AI executive order has ‘dangerous limitations,’ says deepfake detection company CEO  Fox Business

I need an AI application where you can press a button in any text field and then prompt the AI to output the answer into the field. Does this exist yet?

Hi all, I'm on the lookout for an AI-powered tool, and I'm hoping this tech-savvy community might point me in the right direction. I envision an application where you press a (mouse)button in any text field, speak your question or prompt, and t…

Machine learning gives users ‘superhuman’ ability to open and control tools in virtual reality – University of Cambridge news

Machine learning gives users ‘superhuman’ ability to open and control tools in virtual reality  University of Cambridge news