Machine learning pioneers win Nobel physics prize – MSN
Machine learning pioneers win Nobel physics prize MSN
Machine learning pioneers win Nobel physics prize MSN
Geoffrey Hinton: AI pioneer who fears artificial intelligence could end humanity The Independent
Geoffrey Hinton: AI pioneer who fears artificial intelligence could end humanity The Irish News
Nobel Prize: Hopfield, Hinton win 2024 physics award DW (English)
Financial Intelligence Unit Upgrades Suspicious Transaction Analysis With AI And Machine Learning To Combat Free Press Journal
Scientists who built ‘foundation’ for AI awarded Nobel Prize The Verge
‘What is physics in machine learning?’ Physics Twitter furious with 2024 Nobel Prize The Times of India
‘What is physics in machine learning?’ Physics Twitter furious with 2024 Nobel Prize The Times of India
Physics Nobel prize goes to artificial neural networks and machine learning Chemistry World
Nobel Physics Prize 2024 Live: Winners are machine learning pioneers Hopfield and Hinton Reuters