Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

Pioneers in artificial intelligence win the Nobel Prize in physics – Yahoo! Voices

Pioneers in artificial intelligence win the Nobel Prize in physics  Yahoo! VoicesAI’s Penicillin and X-Ray Moment  The AtlanticPioneers in artificial intelligence win the Nobel Prize in physics  The Associated Press‘Godfat…

Voice AI: Congressional District 16 candidate Sam Liccardo using artificial intelligence to speak to voters – ABC7 Bay Area

Voice AI: Congressional District 16 candidate Sam Liccardo using artificial intelligence to speak to voters  ABC7 Bay Area

Aevov: Revolutionizing AI with Web-Distributed Neural Architecture and Real-Time Learning

Aevov introduces a groundbreaking approach to machine learning that leverages the ubiquity of web technologies to create a scalable, accessible, and revolutionary platform for distributed AI computation. At its core, Aevov's Web-Distributed Neural …