Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang says we’re still several years away from getting an AI we can ‘largely trust’ – Business Insider

Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang says we’re still several years away from getting an AI we can ‘largely trust’  Business Insider

Can we get recommendations/opinions for different AI’s here? i.e. You.com?

Been following the AI game (who hasn't?). Am not a programmer, but someone with more than a few gray hairs who's trying to stay at least a little relevant. Was toying with getting myself ChatGPT pro for the holidays to start to do some API stu…

LANL: AI Algorithms Deployed On-Chip Reduce Power Consumption Of Deep Learning Applications – Los Alamos Daily Post

LANL: AI Algorithms Deployed On-Chip Reduce Power Consumption Of Deep Learning Applications  Los Alamos Daily Post