Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

The Promises and Challenges of AI for CSPs

The increasing capability of computer processing power and recent advancements in cloud storage have made the once sci-fi concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI) an enticing reality. Many industries are currently exploring how to best leverage AI, and the telecommunications industry is no exception. In fact I wrote about the promise of better Wi-Fi in particular in […]

Can Cybersecurity be Entrusted with AI?

AI in CyberSecurity In a cybersecurity context, AI is a software that perceives its environment well enough to identify events and take action against predefined purpose. Biggest fear of today’s time is the  concern that hackers are getting much more smarter. These hackers will use artificial intelligence in […]

The post Can Cybersecurity be Entrusted with AI? appeared first on Vinod Sharma’s Blog.


How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing The Future Of Beauty – HuffPost


How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing The Future Of Beauty
How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing The Future Of Beauty. As if there weren’t already enough products on the market, things are about to get even more advanced. And personal. By Julia Brucculieri. Donald Iain Smith via Getty Images. Is this the

ARM Machine Learning Chips Bring Mobile AI Down from the Cloud – ENGINEERING.com


ARM Machine Learning Chips Bring Mobile AI Down from the Cloud
“Project Trillium”, as it’s known internally at Arm, consists of two dissimilar processors: a Machine Learning (ML) processor, and an Object Detection (OD) processor. A third component is a group of neural network (NN) software libraries that serve

Machine learning predicts organic reaction performance | February … – Chemical & Engineering News

Machine learning predicts organic reaction performance | February …
Chemical & Engineering News
When chemists develop new types of reactions, they generate a lot of data on what works and how well, along with what doesn’t work at all. Much of the data are never used, says Abigail G. Doyle, a chemistry professor at Princeton University. “We

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Missing data hinder replication of artificial intelligence studies – Science Magazine

Science MagazineMissing data hinder replication of artificial intelligence studiesScience MagazineThe booming field of artificial intelligence (AI) is grappling with a replication crisis, much like the ones that have afflicted psychology, medicine, and…

Interpretable Machine Learning through Teaching

We’ve designed a method that encourages AIs to teach each other with examples that also make sense to humans. Our approach automatically selects the most informative examples to teach a concept — for instance, the best images to describe the concept of dogs — and experimentally we found our approach to be

Oracle to Leverage AI, Machine Learning in Autonomous Cloud Platform – E-Commerce Times

E-Commerce TimesOracle to Leverage AI, Machine Learning in Autonomous Cloud PlatformE-Commerce TimesOracle on Tuesday demonstrated artificial intelligence and machine learning advances in the Oracle Cloud Platform at Oracle CloudWorld in New York. Auto…

Ai Smartphones Will Soon Be Standard, Thanks to Machine … – Futurism


Ai Smartphones Will Soon Be Standard, Thanks to Machine …
ARM made the chip in nearly every smartphone. Now, they’re working on a chip that brings machine learning to your mobile, making AI smartphones ubiquitous.
AI and Machine Learning: Breaking Down Buzzwords – Dark ReadingDark Reading
How machine learning is spicing up the home cooking experience …TechSPARK (blog)

all 3 news articles »

The “Father of Artificial Intelligence” Says Singularity Is 30 Years Away – Futurism


The “Father of Artificial Intelligence” Says Singularity Is 30 Years Away
You’ve probably been told that the singularity is coming. It is that long-awaited point in time — likely, a point in our very near future — when advances in artificial intelligence lead to the creation of a machine (a technological form of life