Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

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Before Artificial Intelligence Comes Automation Intelligence – Forbes

ForbesBefore Artificial Intelligence Comes Automation IntelligenceForbesThere are boundless opportunities here, but there is one thing that must happen before AI can take off and become truly intelligent. With all the data that companies generate, eith…

Machine Learning: A New Weapon In Your Security Arsenal – Forbes

ForbesMachine Learning: A New Weapon In Your Security ArsenalForbesMachine learning has been around for some time, but usage grew as a result of three main changes in technology. First, we have more data as well as better storage and processing tools t…

Blockchain, AI, machine learning: What do CIOs really think are the most exciting tech trends? – ZDNet

ZDNetBlockchain, AI, machine learning: What do CIOs really think are the most exciting tech trends?ZDNetVideo: Gartner recommends four lessons for CIOS when deploying AI. Gartner says worldwide IT spending will reach $3.7tr in 2018, a 4.5 percent incre…

A Hippocratic Oath for artificial intelligence practitioners – TechCrunch


A Hippocratic Oath for artificial intelligence practitioners
In the forward to Microsoft’s recent book, The Future Computed, executives Brad Smith and Harry Shum proposed that Artificial Intelligence (AI) practitioners highlight their ethical commitments by taking an oath analogous to the Hippocratic Oath sworn

Artificial Intelligence: introducing fundamental changes – Delano.lu

Delano.luArtificial Intelligence: introducing fundamental changesDelano.luDuncan Roberts: You have said that artificial intelligence is an “enabler of productivity” and that job losses in some areas are inevitable in the near future. So, what should yo…

SmartRecruiters Unveils Artificial Intelligence Recruiting Assistant, Hiring Scorecard – Forbes

ForbesSmartRecruiters Unveils Artificial Intelligence Recruiting Assistant, Hiring ScorecardForbesJean Baptiste Su , Contributor Vice-President and Principal Analyst at Atherton Research Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. SmartRec…

9 Complex Machine Learning Applications That Even A Beginner Can Build Today – Analytics India Magazine

Analytics India Magazine9 Complex Machine Learning Applications That Even A Beginner Can Build TodayAnalytics India MagazineIf an application that generated jazz music was your first tryst with machine learning would it not be a great way to start off?…

How artificial intelligence can make the internet better and safer for LGBT people – MarketWatch

How artificial intelligence can make the internet better and safer for LGBT peopleMarketWatch“You need to be a woman who does good work.” GLAAD did not have a robust YouTube GOOG, -2.26% following, but the video started trending — largely because of ne…