Distill: Communicating the science of machine learning
Like every field of science, the importance of clear communication in machine learning research cannot be over-emphasised: it helps to drive forward the state-of-the art by allowing the research community to share, discuss and build upon new findings.F…
Security for multirobot systems
New technique could protect robot teams’ communication networks from malicious hackers.
Google DeepMind’s New Algorithm adds “Memory” to A.I.
The AI system is able to learn to play one Atari game and then use its
knowledge to learn another.
Enabling Continual Learning in Neural Networks
Computer programs that learn to perform tasks also typically forget them very quickly. We show that the learning rule can be modified so that a program can remember old tasks when learning a new one. This is an important step towards more intelligent p…
Trust, confidence and Verifiable Data Audit
Data can be a powerful force for social progress, helping our most important institutions to improve how they serve their communities. As cities, hospitals, and transport systems find new ways to understand what people need from them, theyre unearthing…