Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

Artificial Intelligence Just Discovered New Planets – MIT Technology Review

MIT Technology ReviewArtificial Intelligence Just Discovered New PlanetsMIT Technology ReviewThe Kepler space telescope, which launched in 2009, has produced more than 30,000 signals measuring light from stars to search for possible planets in distant …

3 Fundamental Ways Machine Learning Will Change Business in 2018 – Entrepreneur


3 Fundamental Ways Machine Learning Will Change Business in 2018
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning initiatives are creating new opportunities for innovators to offload labor-intensive research and analysis to the cloud. And, to be clear, “the cloud” is just a fancy term for someone else’s computer
Data journalism’s AI opportunity: the 3 different types of machine …Online Journalism Blog (blog)

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Introduction to Computational Linguistics and Dependency Trees in data science

Introduction In recent years, the amalgam of deep learning fundamentals with Natural Language Processing techniques has shown a great improvement in the information mining …
The post Introduction to Computational Linguistics and Dependency Trees in …

Gfycat wants to fix your low-fidelity GIFs with machine learning – TechCrunch


Gfycat wants to fix your low-fidelity GIFs with machine learning
We all love to share GIFs — and there are plenty of ways to do that, through online portals or keyboards — but often times because there is so much content, you’ll end up surfacing up a lower-fidelity GIF. There can be plenty of copies of the same
Gfycat says it’ll use machine learning to make more high-res GIFs …The Verge

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How Machine Learning Can Help Identify Cyber Vulnerabilities – Harvard Business Review

Harvard Business Review

How Machine Learning Can Help Identify Cyber Vulnerabilities
Harvard Business Review
People are undoubtedly your company’s most valuable asset. But if you ask cybersecurity experts if they share that sentiment, most would tell you that people are your biggest liability. Historically, no matter how much money an organization spends on

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How Machine Learning Can Help Identify Cyber Vulnerabilities – Harvard Business Review

Harvard Business Review

How Machine Learning Can Help Identify Cyber Vulnerabilities
Harvard Business Review
People are undoubtedly your company’s most valuable asset. But if you ask cybersecurity experts if they share that sentiment, most would tell you that people are your biggest liability. Historically, no matter how much money an organization spends on

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Artificial Intelligence Is Killing the Uncanny Valley and Our Grasp on Reality – WIRED


Artificial Intelligence Is Killing the Uncanny Valley and Our Grasp on Reality
In contrast to the previous sweeping and somewhat crude effects, tricks like zebrafication are starting to fill in the Valley’s lower basin. Consider the work from Kavita Bala’s lab at Cornell, where deep learning can infuse one photo’s style, such as

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Payment Intelligence | Powerful And Strong Combo With AI

The fusion of Artificial Intelligence technology with payment processes has led to a remarkable enhancement in efficiency, creating a mutually beneficial partnership between the two domains. Artificial intelligence was acknowledged and employed before …