Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

Recommendations for best AI for extracting relevant information from large document sets

Hello all, I don't 'do' AI, so this might be kind of a basic question and I apologize in advance. I am looking for a good software/model that I can train on a very large data set of technical text documents and ask questions to and get bac…

ChatGPT4all to create chatbot to answer questions on your own docs without external calls.

So, I came across this tut, https://artificialcorner.com/gpt4all-is-the-local-chatgpt-for-your-documents-and-it-is-free-df1016bc335 (Apologies, if you cannot access it, it is a member's only story) and I gave it a shot. Technically, it "works&…