Putting data in the hands of doctors
Computer scientist Regina Barzilay empowers cancer treatment with machine learning.
Computer scientist Regina Barzilay empowers cancer treatment with machine learning.
In social situations, two AIs will also work together if the outcome
benefits them both … otherwise … uh-oh!
Google’s AlphaGo artificial neural network made headlines last year when it
bested a world champion at Go. After marvelling at this feat, Giuseppe
Carleo of ETH Zurich in Switzerland thought it might be possible to build a
similar machine-learning tool to crack one of the knottiest problems in
quantum physics.
Low-power special-purpose chip could make speech recognition ubiquitous in electronics.
Yann LeCun gives an overview of AI and outlines a path toward more general
and complete AI at the January 2017 Asilomar conference organized by the
Future of Life Institute.
The rise of driverless cars and trucks is just a start. New AI techniques
are poised to reinvent everything from manufacturing to healthcare to Wall
Street. In other words, it’s not just blue-collar jobs that AI endangers.
We employ deep multi-agent reinforcement learning to model the emergence of cooperation. The new notion of sequential social dilemmas allows us to model how rational agents interact, and arrive at more or less cooperative behaviours depending on the na…
Incorporating strategies from skilled human planners improves automatic planners’ performance.
Using Machine Learning to Target Behavioral Health Interventions Health IT Analytics