Living in a networked world: Emergent business ecosystems
When trying to reframe our thinking we need to ensure that there is place for seeing the world for what it really is. I believe …
When trying to reframe our thinking we need to ensure that there is place for seeing the world for what it really is. I believe …
Here’s why artificial intelligence will be beneficial for retailers and
consumers. From creating personalized shopping experiences to offering
virtual buying assistants — AI is improving the online shopping experience
for consumers and retailers.
Adib is directing a new research group at the Media Lab, aiming to uncover, analyze, and engineer natural and human-made networks.
Google and others think software that learns to learn could take over some
work done by AI experts.
AI will significantly disrupt the way organizations win, serve, and retain
customers … eventually. Familiarize yourself with the AI technologies
available today and prepare for adoption – or face the inevitability of
The market for artificial intelligence (AI) technologies is flourishing.
Beyond the hype and the heightened media attention, the numerous startups
and the internet giants racing to acquire them, there is a significant
increase in investment and adoption by enterprises.
When I was studying in the mid-90s as an undergraduate, there was very little active engagement between the academic communities pushing the boundaries of maths and science, and the industries that many students ended up going into, such as finance. Th…
The leaders of Microsoft, IBM, MIT Media Lab and others discuss the state,
opportunities and future of Artificail Intelligence at the World Economic
Forum in Davos, 2017.
Sergey Brin discusses the state of AI and the progress within Google and
Google Brain. After 8 years he returns to Davos with some interesting
insights and views in this interview.