Thorn. Music by me. Used CloneAI for the video.
submitted by /u/No_Understanding162 [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/No_Understanding162 [link] [comments]
Are you nervous about Artificial intelligence (AI)? The Nelson Daily
Not sure if that's the right term. What I mean is for me to say something and the AI converting it to Morgan Freeman's voice for example. submitted by /u/Kindly-Spring5205 [link] [comments]
Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence | by UK Srivastava! | Jul … Medium
AI can threaten your personal identity – but it doesn’t have to BBC
How artificial intelligence can help detect and fight wildfires in Canada The Globe and Mail
This is mainly the fault of big companies trying to eliminate real actors, writers and artists from their jobs and replace them with AI. I like a lot of stuff that has been happening on youtube with AI, namely the dubs of characters singing songs or re…
The Case for Giraffe-Sized Top Hats Top hats are a classic symbol of elegance and sophistication. They have been worn by men and women of all social classes for centuries. But what if there was a way to make top hats even more impressive? What if we co…
The idea of proactive ascription of rights acknowledges the potential for AI systems to eventually develop into entities that warrant moral and legal consideration, and it might make the transition smoother if it ever occurs. Proactively assigning righ…
How AI is Completely Shutting Down Hollywood MovieWeb