Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

Better Exploration with Parameter Noise

We’ve found that adding adaptive noise to the parameters of reinforcement learning algorithms frequently boosts performance. This exploration method is simple to implement and very rarely decreases performance, so it’s worth trying on any problem.

Action Space Noise Parameter Space Noise


Better Exploration with Parameter Noise

We’ve found that adding adaptive noise to the parameters of reinforcement learning algorithms frequently boosts performance. This exploration method is simple to implement and very rarely decreases performance, so it’s worth trying on any problem.

Action Space Noise Parameter Space Noise

*Parameter noise helps algorithms more

Better Banking with help of Analytics and Machine learning

In 2015, I was working at Diebold where we build ATM machine hardware and software and complete ecosystem around the ATM. When we talk about ATM machine, it is a collection of very complex small hardware which collectively performs tasks. And typically, when we think ATM is only used for cash withdraw and that is not true. When we talk about ATM it is a Bank branch itself. You can deposit cash, withdraw cash, deposit cheques. And Whatever we can do in the branch we can do with…