OpenAI Microscope product suggestion
OpenAI Microscope product suggestion

OpenAI Microscope product suggestion

Without haver ever actually utilized OpenAI, Inc. OpenAI Microscope software, I thought of some possible enhancements. The first enhancement is to record the navigation and mouse click/deep selection trail or path of each different human user. Then, after just the first 400 users, a popup textbox can appear that says things like, “Your exploration path is, marvelously, similar to that of 18% of all visitors. Could you please write any thoughts or creative thoughts you have had about what you have traversed and observed so far?”, “Your typed thoughts may benefit, grow, or reinforce the ideas and comprehension of other visitors”. The pop up message box could also say things like, “Your utilization style and content/function traversal pathway at the OpenAI Microscope are either similar to the 99th percentile most atypical forms, or are uniquely new. Can you type a few words about your thoughts or ideas relating to, or arising from, utilizing OpenAI Microscope”.

submitted by /u/TreonVerdery
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