One-Minute Daily AI News 8/2/2023
One-Minute Daily AI News 8/2/2023

One-Minute Daily AI News 8/2/2023

  1. Instagram is reportedly considering a feature that would notify users when artificial intelligence (AI) has played a role in creating a post. Posts created by AI would be accompanied by a label explaining its involvement. This raises the question of whether such labels could also help users identify when an entire account is AI-generated.[1]
  2. According to tech consultancy Gartner, the conversational AI market is projected to reach $18.6 billion in 2023, with a growth rate of 16.2%. This growth is mainly attributed to the increasing adoption of cloud-based contact services utilizing conversational AI. Gartner also predicts a 24% growth in the virtual assistant market next year.[2]
  3. Scientists hope a computer system will learn to automatically identify bee species from buzzes picked up by autonomous recording stations.[3]
  4. Researchers from Carnegie Mellon University have exposed tricks to “jailbreaking” AI chatbots like ChatGPT and Bard to have them relay knowledge to aid in illegal activities like making drugs and even manipulating the 2024 U.S. presidential election.[4]






submitted by /u/Excellent-Target-847
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