One-Minute Daily AI News 6/28/2023
One-Minute Daily AI News 6/28/2023

One-Minute Daily AI News 6/28/2023

  1. AlphaGo from Google’s DeepMind AI lab made history by defeating a champion player of the board game Go. Now Demis Hassabis, DeepMind’s cofounder and CEO, says his engineers are using techniques from AlphaGo to make an AI system dubbed Gemini that will be more capable than that behind OpenAI’s ChatGPT.[1]
  2. As anyone who’s seen depictions of AI in movies like 2001: A Space Odyssey and Alien will know, you simply don’t put your life control system in the hands of a sentient computer. Now, though, NASA is seemingly going against everything Hollywood has taught us about AI space assistants by developing a system that will allow astronauts to use a natural-language ChatGPT-like interface in space.[2]
  3. A team of researchers, including professors from the University of Montana and UM Western, have found that OpenAI’s GPT-4 scored in the top 1% on the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT), matching or outperforming humans in the creative abilities of fluency, flexibility, and originality.[3]
  4. Shares of U.S. chipmakers fell on Wednesday following reports that the Biden administration was planning new curbs on the export of computing chips for artificial intelligence to China as early as July.[4]






submitted by /u/Excellent-Target-847
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