One-Minute Daily AI News 6/19/2023
One-Minute Daily AI News 6/19/2023

One-Minute Daily AI News 6/19/2023

  1. Portland is testing out AI to field 311 calls. The city says it’s one solution as they work to alleviate slow call response times. This week, they’re testing out the AI automated answering, turning it on for a few hours each day to field calls that come into the non-emergency line.[1]
  2. Airbnb co-founder and CEO Brian Chesky predict AI will pave the way for ‘millions of startups’ instead of replacing jobs.[2]
  3. Meta has unveiled a new AI tool, dubbed ‘Voicebox’, which it claims represents a breakthrough in AI-powered speech generation. However, the company won’t be unleashing it on the public just yet – because doing so could be disastrous.[3]
  4. More than 150 million people — about 20% of Snapchat’s monthly users — have sent 10 billion messages to the chatbot, called My AI, since it was introduced at the end of February, the company said Thursday. Users have asked about everything from skincare recommendations to details about the latest sports car.[4]






submitted by /u/Excellent-Target-847
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