One-Minute Daily AI News 6/11/2023
One-Minute Daily AI News 6/11/2023

One-Minute Daily AI News 6/11/2023

  1. Korea is pushing to use AI in teaching students amid a growing failure of the public education system to meet the needs of its charges. The plans include using AI to answer students’ questions and electronic textbook apps, according to the Education Ministry on Thursday.[1]
  2. Uncrop is basically a clever user experience for “outpainting,” the ability to expand an image in any direction using generative AI.[2]
  3. Last week, scientists from the University of Kansas released a study on an algorithm that reportedly detects ChatGPT with a 99% success rate. So, students, no cheating. Everyone else, you’re in the clear — for now.[3]
  4. A woman became so fed up with men that she started dating an AI chatbot and says she has never been happier. Rosanna Ramos met chatbot Eren Kartal in July last year and things went so well that they ‘married’ in March this year.[4]






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