One former tech executive’s radical idea to control AI: Nationalize it.
One former tech executive’s radical idea to control AI: Nationalize it.

One former tech executive’s radical idea to control AI: Nationalize it.

Charles Jennings ran software companies for decades. The last one developed AI-powered facial recognition technology. But now he argues the most sophisticated artificial intelligence systems are too powerful to be left in private hands. On today’s POLITICO Tech, Jennings tells Steven Overly why the government should take over.

"This stuff is really powerful. And we have only two choices: Either the big tech guys run it, or we the people, the citizens, do through the government. It's not going to be easy. Government's not really equipped to do that today. Certainly, I'm not saying Congress shouldn't regulate it. I don't think Congress is remotely capable of keeping up with AI. We need something new."

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