Oh God please, create devices that INTEGRATE with Smartphones – stop trying to replace them
Oh God please, create devices that INTEGRATE with Smartphones – stop trying to replace them

Oh God please, create devices that INTEGRATE with Smartphones – stop trying to replace them

Oh God please, create devices that INTEGRATE with Smartphones - stop trying to replace them

This is going to be essentially a rant.

Of course Rabbit R1 or Humane AI were gonna fail miserably, same as Apple Vision Pro (no matter how much they try to pay for people to look natural with that abomination) and whatever else

I know there are probably some business reasons behind it, but goddamn.

I don't want one more box to carry around, nor do I want to use a helmet.

Let my phone do the processing and all the heavy-lifting - it has the battery for it, and I'm already used to carrying it - and just have your devices be accessories. Small, light, accessories. Have them connect to my phone and just instruct it - instead of being a whole different device with another processor, another battery, etc.

Honestly, when I saw that Apple was going to create an AR glasses - and I'm not a fan of apple by all means, I've never even had an iPhone - what I pictured was a minimal glass, with small cameras that are even hard to see from a distance unless you're really looking for them. I imagined the glass would connect to the iPhone and come with a subscription-based AI app that you install on the iPhone and then the glass can send stuff directly to it.

Instead, Apple released this:


No way in hell I'm gonna carry this brick on my head everywhere.

Then the whole Humane AI fiasco and well.

Just stop, guys.

submitted by /u/TheLordSet
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