Offline LLM that speaks german
Offline LLM that speaks german

Offline LLM that speaks german


I am brooding about something. We have a larger database of text in our hospital (german speaking), already digitalized. The research department that I lead now wants to make use of this qualitative data, but, as always, personell is sparse. GPT4 is no option due to data security regulations in the european union. The data is sensitive and has to be processed offline.

I was wondering if it would be possible to use an offline model and train this model to extract various informations from medical documentations, like, if there where therapeutic contacts with relatives, if a psychotherapist was involved, and if social services were contacted. So, simple yes-no questions, perhaps in a later state reasons for said yes-or-no. Another task would be to train a model that can give psychiatric diagnosis (not meant for use in the field due to ethical concerns, but for research reasons).

Information is not used on individual level, but to prepare a statistic, so, it would not be used to evaluate if the specific therapists did their work right and so on. We just want to optimize our processes.

Do you think, with the current technology and developement of offline models, this is a doable task to put time and effort in?

submitted by /u/Ryselle
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