Non-sentient AI future
Non-sentient AI future

Non-sentient AI future

Watching all these AI generated ads and whatnot, I find them incredibly disturbing. Serious uncanny valley vibes from them. I keep having this horrible thought about the future. Humans no longer exist (for whatever reason, not necessarily wiped out by AI) but our world continues much as it did before, except every "person" is an AI, through machine learning over unimaginable numbers of observations of real human behavior, they are able to perfectly replicate a functioning human being in appearance and actions. You could live in this world your whole life and never know the difference. Aliens could contact the AI and never know either.

Except they are not sentient. They have no self awareness or actual thinking at all. Just perfect impressions of actual humans, doing things and reacting to things based on their learned data. It's absolutely terrifying.

I'm reminded of the Westworld quote " If you can't tell the difference, does it matter?"

Maybe it doesn't.

submitted by /u/cheezum5000
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