No code AI co-pilot apps MUST also help developers with the non-technical parts of creating a successful startup
No code AI co-pilot apps MUST also help developers with the non-technical parts of creating a successful startup

No code AI co-pilot apps MUST also help developers with the non-technical parts of creating a successful startup

Within the next two to three years no code AI co-pilots will enable exponentially more people to enter the AI app marketplace . The opportunity to create apps without needing to know how to code or hire a technical team to build them is a powerful game changer that will vastly expand the field.

Many of the most pressing problems of our world - ripe for revolutionary new AI innovations - can in a very real sense be described as sociological and psychological in nature. For example, It has been said that climate change is much more of a moral issue than a technological one. Once we summon the will to address climate change, we will do what needs to be done.

What this means is that sociologists, psychologists, anthropologists, economists and other social scientists will very soon be able to enter the AI space with a minimum of financial investment and other resources.

Today's co-pilot AIs are being designed to create business plans, build websites, do market research and reach out to potential investors, all on their own. They are, in fact, being designed to pretty much handle the entire business side of any venture. That's the significance of Mustafa Suleyman's new "Turing Test" that gives an AI $100,000 with the challenge to autonomously make a million dollars in a year's time.

But that's just part of the story. I asked ChatGPT-4 the following question about success, and it gave me the following (abbreviated) answer:

What are the top personality traits and skills that determine success in business?

"Success in business is a multifaceted construct that can't be attributed to a single variable. However, several key attributes can contribute significantly.

Emotional Intelligence


Time Management

Network & Relationships:


Risk-Taking Ability"

Now consider that if these new no code co-pilot AIs can perform their business roles superbly, but the human owners of these business are lacking in some emotional quotient (EQ) skills, chances of success can be drastically reduced.

That's why it's important for no code co-pilot AIs to also be motivators and therapists and advisors and friends. AIs are fully capable of succeeding with these tasks. The AI perhaps most advanced in this area is Pi by Inflection, a company co-founded by Suleyman.

Inflection obviously has a head start in this over other developers. But the task of developing no code co-pilot AIs that handle both the business and emotional/motivational parts of creating a new AI startup is not complicated.

I would be surprised if Gemini, set to premiere before the new year, doesn't already help users in these very important non-technical and non-business parts of creating a successful startup.

By empowering social scientists to enter the AI arena with full force, we create the conditions that will soon allow us to succeed beyond our dreams with both our personal and societal challenges.

submitted by /u/Georgeo57
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