New To AI / Tools – How Might I Use This For The Arts/Press Releases
New To AI / Tools – How Might I Use This For The Arts/Press Releases

New To AI / Tools – How Might I Use This For The Arts/Press Releases


I'm new to this whole AI/ChatGPT world so please forgive my naivety on this but I'm looking at ways to use AI beyond some copy writing. For the last decade I've did marketing for concert tours/arts venues but want to start a consulting business to expand my scope into PR for artists/venues.

One task I'm wondering about is the ability to cultivate publicly available email addresses to create a media contact list in various markets to send press releases. Using Music Row as an example I would navigate to the various music blogs contact page, find where to send press releases to and add them to a spreadsheet to upload to mailchimp but there must be a way to automate this process.

I'm in the process of building a website, uploading tens of thousands of photos, etc. What might be some other uses be that I should be exploring. Any help would be incredible. I want to embrace this technology and learn as much as i go!

submitted by /u/willmuir
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