New AI-generated COVID drug enters Phase I clinical trials: Claims to be effective against all variants
New AI-generated COVID drug enters Phase I clinical trials: Claims to be effective against all variants

New AI-generated COVID drug enters Phase I clinical trials: Claims to be effective against all variants

Insilico Medicine, an AI-driven biotech company, has announced its AI-designed COVID-19 drug is entering Phase I clinical trials. Promising to deliver lasting results against all variants, this could become the first viable alternative to Paxlovid.

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Insilico's breakthrough medicine, ISM3312

  • Generated using Artificial Intelligence, ISM3312 may offer the superior solution to the constraints of current oral medication, Paxlovid.
  • Insilico’s new drug could address the limitations of Paxlovid, including unpleasant side effects and drug resistance due to constant COVID mutation.
  • Preclinical studies reveal the drug’s potential in reducing the viral load in lung tissue and mitigating lung inflammation.

Development powered by AI

  • Identified via AI-driven platform PandaOmics, the drug effectively targets crucial proteins in the coronavirus.
  • Using Chemistry42, a generative chemistry platform, Insilico generated new molecules built to suppress this protein, creating ISM3312.
  • Given the success, the company patented ISM3312, which is currently undergoing Phase I Clinical trials, with results expected by end 2023.

The Implications

  • Dr. Harvey Castro, an emergency medicine physician, encourages doctors to remain cautious but also recognizes the promise of AI-generated drugs like ISM3312.
  • With the trials in progress, the medical community is closely monitoring it as it could redefine the treatment course for COVID and other similar viruses.
  • Insilico's venture exhibits AI's potential in accelerating effective drug discovery, prompting the need for consistent tracking of AI's transformation of healthcare and other fields.


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submitted by /u/AIsupercharged
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