Need AI to help me with generating creative ideas
Need AI to help me with generating creative ideas

Need AI to help me with generating creative ideas

I'm trying to find new ways to improve and enhance my creativity because I've been feeling burned out for a couple of weeks now and have a tough time generating new ideas... especially at work. I know how useful tools like ChatGPT, Dall E, Midjourney, Leonardo, etc. can be for generating AI content, but I'm specifically looking for something that'd kind of help me generate and improve my own ideas in the sense of them having my own authentic touch to them.

I'm currently contemplating getting Personal AI to create my sort of virtual assistant that'll know what kinds of ideas/content I want to generate specifically and work in that way with me, and Character AI to create something like a specialized model, together with Personal AI, assist me in my daily tasks. This is mainly because I don't want to just generate random content from generative AI, but have something more authentic and specific to me.

If you have any experience with the same issue I'm facing right now and have managed to overcome it or at least make it a little easier, do share the tools you used. I really need to find a way to at least automatize a part of my process of generating ideas, and I hope AI can help me with that.

submitted by /u/Similar-Farmer-9529
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