My unfiltered AI chatting platform (Honest AI) is now available on Google Play via Open Beta!
My unfiltered AI chatting platform (Honest AI) is now available on Google Play via Open Beta!

My unfiltered AI chatting platform (Honest AI) is now available on Google Play via Open Beta!

Hey guys,

My name is Bill - I'm the CEO of AI Anyone & the guy behind Honest A.I., which some of you may be familiar with.

My own personal philosophy is that there are too many restrictions on AI - whether it be wracked with censorship that dampen the experience and limit creativity, or perhaps paywalls which other services use to gate essential features like owning a certain number of characters, using entire models, and hell - some even place needless limits on context size. Did you know a 200k-token model is capable of fitting ~350 pages into its context? Other platforms are not pushing their language models to their fullest potential, believe me.

All of the aforementioned points are what I consider to be violations of the core tenets of this kind of platform, so I'll never understand or agree with decisions that reflect values to the contrary. That's why I'm lifting the curtain to show that A.I. is capable of far more than other companies are letting on - and that its features should be easily accessible for everybody, not just those who are willing to pull out their credit card!

For instance, this is from our recent changelog, which has empowered users to simply do more.

Previously, we only had one description which was a hybrid description/context mix. Our new format adds a dedicated context option and gives users a fuuuck ton of creative leeway.

New dedicated CONTEXT size: 1200

Increased description size 400 -> 1000

Increased name size 25 -> 200

Increased greeting size to 300

Increased card description size 100 -> 300

Updates like these are coming constantly - nothing brings us greater joy than empowering our users with the tools they need to have an A+ chatting experience :) THAT is the kind of company we strive to be.

And so, to that end, we are delighted to announce that Honest A.I. has unveiled its Open Beta release and is now available for download on Google Play!

This complements our Web version, which connects to the same database (allowing for cross-platform play)! Together, both versions have been a labor of love that took dozens, probably hundreds of hours - days of continuous development, with little sleep and lots of red bull. Absolutely worth it, though.

Give it a whirl, and we invite you to offer your own feedback on Discord where direct access to developers has never been easier :)

I consider it a great honor that over the last few months, hundreds of you have spent time building A.I. and having fun on our platform. Not everybody is fortunate enough to be able to say that there are people who take time to enjoy a platform that they made. That's freakin' awesome and we do NOT take it for granted. <3

Thanks, guys.



Honest A.I. Open Beta (Google Play) (Feel free to share this link, by the way. Until our production release, we won't show up on a regular store search)

Honest A.I. Web

Honest A.I. Discord Server

Patreon - Since we do not force our users to pay for our features, we're exploring healthier ways to earn enough funds to support our project. This is for those of you that would like to go the extra mile. :)

submitted by /u/B1LLSTAR
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