My "hot" take on the future of humanity with rising AI
My "hot" take on the future of humanity with rising AI

My "hot" take on the future of humanity with rising AI

Firstly, I think it's a red herring when technocrats talk about the scary issue of skynet where AI could takeover and enslave us all. The very real issue is far closer than this scenario as I will discuss now.

AI is very impressive and can benefit humanity greatly when it comes to dangerous tasks, scientific research and medical research.

But I also think it will greatly decrease the quality and meaning of life in the future, right now AI is being marketed as a tool and not a replacement, but again, it's a tool anyone can use and because of that it is having a very real effect on job security. It's also getting increasingly better, and faster than anyone anticipated and will eventually be more intelligent than humans, and this time frame could be years, not decades according to prominent AI researchers.

The current mentality of people seem to be from those that aren't yet affected by AI and are happy to exploit it for a profit, like using AI art at the cost of human artists. Then you have those who are high on copium and are too optimistic in my opinion and disregard the very real, much discussed threats.

Eventually though, it will replace all digital jobs, and it's being discussed as a real possibility with governments suggesting implementing a universal basic income (UBI) which means if you aren't already rich, you would effectively be leading a bare minimum life, while you can still engage in your craft as a hobby, it will no longer be a viable career with your hopes and dreaming of becoming successful, shattered. I guess you could work a manual labor job, until those are automated too.

I think the outlook is bleak and it could lead us into a dystopian future where universal basic income is made mainstream, and most people live a bare minimum life while the super rich, especially those who monopolized the AI platforms lobby to prevent their wealth being redistributed. Life will seem meaningless, people will become more depressed and you could have people resorting to crime as a means to earn more money.

submitted by /u/Mysterious-Pie-7152
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